Pioneer Knowledge Services provides knowledge-based research and products designed to create useful; transition, on-boarding, learning, contingency planning, business continuity, skill sharing, storytelling and organizational learning. These support and create a useful body of institutional knowledge and experience and it serves to raise awareness and strengthen social knowledge.

  • Is there ONE person who represents a lot of institutional knowledge and know-how?
  • Have you experienced the impact when someone unexpectedly left the organization?
  • Did a vacancy create a stoppage in the business they handled because no one else knew the role?


We can build a transferable knowledge and experience package to deliver an in-depth collection and continuity product. This affords the next in line in the position or for the organization at large to access and keep the critical knowledge and experiences before it is gone. Then for the astute organizations they take this content and integrate into their organizational training and learning products. Consider how the onboarding could use these products in a learning management system perhaps. Remember this concept if nothing else. COPE

  • C - Create
  • O - Once
  • P - Publish
  • E - Everywhere

The content or knowledge we develop can be integrated and utilized to strengthen your work culture. The investment into one piece can be leveraged and utilized and is only limited by your imagination.

Are you ready to Repurpose, Reuse, and Conserve your organization's knowledge?

Grab the knowledge they have before it is too late