Anthony J. Rhem PhD – Because You Need To Know

Discussions of what organizations want when seeking knowledge management help.
Recorded 24 April 2019
Edwin K. Morris is the president and founder of Pioneer Knowledge Services which produces this educational program, Because You Need To Know. It is part of the mission to educate and bring awareness around knowledge management and nonprofit concerns.
Anthony J Rhem, PhD., is an Information Systems executive and since 1990 has served as CEO/Principal Consultant of A.J. Rhem & Associates, a privately held system integration consulting, training & research firm specializing in Knowledge Management (KM) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Dr. Rhem consults with venture capitalist and investment firms specifically as it pertains to technology innovations, best practices and trends.
He is a prolific writer with dozens of articles for trade journals in technology, management and law, and is a recognized thought leader and Dr. Rhem is an active presenter at KM and AI conferences globally.